AbaloneHill Design

A Study In Design

Home Design Service

Architecture differs by geographic location as well as design period. It is always remarkable to me how dramatic a simple style change in a roof or a porch can change the entire look of a home or neighborhood.

Functionally all houses are much the same. Inside there are a kitchen, family room, bedrooms and baths. However, all neighborhoods take on different looks or styles driven often by changes in exterior. Neighborhoods will have in common a roof style, a siding material, or a porch design. This is of course because the same developer/builder built the neighborhood and in the same period.

These few pages offer examples how single design changes can make dramatic differences.

Front Original Sketch Front Sketch 2a
Front Sketch 7a Front Sketch 8a
Front Sketch 9b Front Sketch 11a
A Study in Design Subtle changes to a house front can make significant style differences. Clients are visually offered options to help select design changes. Design decisions and comments are incorporated quickly and with little expense prior to the start of any project.

Influence of Four (4) Roof Designs.
A Study in Design The roof of a house can dramatically influence the look and can be easily altered for presentation using visualization techniques.
