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This is a list of references that I have found informative and interesting covering general architectural style and engineering.

Bibliography: (or reading list)

Allen, Edward, Iano, Joseph, Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods, Wiley; 4 Edition, December 25, 2003, ISBN-10: 0471219037, ISBN-13: 978-0471219033,

Blumenson, John J. G., Identifying American Architecture Subtitled "A Pictorial Guide to Styles and Terms: 1600 through 1945”, 2nd Ed, New York, W. W. Norton & Company; Revised Edition, February 1990, ISBN-10: 0393306100,

Carley, Rachel, The Visual Dictionary of American Domestic Architecture, New York, Owl Books; Reprint Edition, March 15, 1997, ISBN: 0805045635,

Ching, Francis D. K., Adams, Cassandra, Building Construction Illustrated, 3rd Edition, Wiley; 3 Sub Edition, October 2, 2000, ISBN-10: 0471358983, ISBN-13: 978-0471358985

Jefferis, Alan, Madsen, David A., Architectural Drafting and Design, 5th ed., Thomson Delmar Learning, New York; 2005, ISBN: 1401867154,

US Department of Agriculture, Wood Handbook, Wood as an Engineering Material, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wi, GTR FPL-GTR-113, March 1999,

American Forest & Paper Association, Inc., ASD/LRFD Manual for Engineered Wood Construction 2005 Edition, AF&PA American Wood Council, Washington, DC, awcinfo@afandpa.org, 2nd Printing: February 2007, ISBN 0-9625985-7-7 (Volume 3) ISBN 0-9625985-8-5 (4 Volume Set),

American Forest & Paper Association, Inc., Span Tables for Joists and Rafters, 2005 Edition, AF&PA American Wood Council, Washington, DC, awcinfo@afandpa.org,

American Forest & Paper Association, Inc., Desing Values for Joists and Roof Rafters, 2005 Edition, Supplement to Span Tables for Joists and Rafters, AF&PA American Wood Council, Washington, DC, awcinfo@afandpa.org,
